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Now that you have practised looking at objects closely you can use these skills to find out more about the Romans. Watch the videos below to find out more about some interesting Roman objects. Keep a pen and paper handy to write down your ideas while watching!

Once you have found out about these Roman objects you can let us know what you think, were the Romans just like us, or not?

Two similar items

To watch this video with subtitles use this link.

A clever item

To watch this video with subtitles use this link.

A precious item

To watch this video with subtitles use this link.

A mystery item

To watch this video with subtitles use this link.

Create your own user feedback survey

Your score will be higher if you think that the Romans are generally similar to us, and lower if you think the opposite. But there is no 'right' or 'wrong' answer to this question, it is all about the reasons you give for your ideas.

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