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30 – 32 Market Place

“Hello, you can find me at numbers 30-32 in the Market Place. These days I’m all very smart and smell of coffee and cakes. They even sell something call cappuccinos on my ground floor – I don’t know what they are but it sounds a bit fancy to me.
Tell you what though, if you were here when I was built about 350 years ago it wouldn’t have smelt so good. I was a butchers and slaughter house for animals. In those days the place was awash with what they called back then ‘stinking goare’ or blood and guts to you.
This part of town was called the butchers shambles, it’s where people use to come and buy their sausages and the like. You might ask whether I’m just making it all up – after all it was a very long time ago. Well you have to look down my side – Sovereign Alley it’s called. You can see some windows high up on the wall, they’ve got fancy carvings around them. Reason they were there is to let a bit of light in but keep me nice and cool so the meat didn’t go off.
Anyway, nice talking to you. Remember to come and see me again.”

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